When I landed in London this morning, I could feel that these two coming months would be a huge growing experience for me. Living by yourself in a foreign city is a bit scary but I could already imagine myself strutting up and down the streets of London with the ease of someone who lived in the city all of their lives. This fantasy took a bit of a bruising when I walked straight into a glass door while trying to enter my hotel but we’ll just blame that on my lack of sleep in the past 24 hours. I had big plans to spend the entire rest of the morning and afternoon out and about, only to fall asleep for a solid four hours.
Dad and I are staying in a Marriott in Grosvenor Square, which is in the West End of London. The hotel is pretty swanky and I even got to enjoy afternoon tea before I headed out for my adventure.
We’re also right down the block from the American Embassy! ~’Merica~
Dad was in business meetings all day, so I was on my own to re-discover the city. I remembered passing Hyde Park on the drive in from Heathrow airport, so I set out to find it hoping that I wouldn’t get too lost. I actually made it to Hyde Park without a problem and the weather was absolutely beautiful for my walk (I’d slept through all of the rain). London is such an incredible city; anyone who has ever spent any amount of time here can tell you that. Personally, one of my favorite aspects is the Royal Parks scattered throughout the city. It totally blows my mind that I can be in Hyde Park, from where I can see the London Eye and the Shard, and barely be able to make out the sounds of the city, as if I’m the only person in all of London. I took a ridiculously number of artsy nature shots as I walked through the trees and then along the Serpentine.
I then made my way over to Kensington Gardens, which was one of my favorite places to walk around when I was abroad last fall. I reacquainted myself with the statues of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, and then walked along Kensignton High Street. At that point, a total stranger asked if he could take a selfie with me but he may or may not have been a pickpocket so I declined the opportunity and continued on.
I grabbed a take away sandwich for a late lunch and stopped at one of my favorite dessert places in South Kensington– Ben’s Cookies. If you’re ever in London and you don’t get a cookie from here, you’re sorely missing out because they are amazing. I figured that I would celebrate my first day back in my favorite city with my favorite white chocolate and cranberry cookie!