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London Travel

Carpe diem (…or take a 4 hour nap)

May 22, 2014

When I landed in London this morning, I could feel that these two coming months would be a huge growing experience for me. Living by yourself in a foreign city is a bit scary but I could already imagine myself strutting up and down the streets of London with the ease of someone who lived in the city all of their lives. This fantasy took a bit of a bruising when I walked straight into a glass door while trying to enter my hotel but we’ll just blame that on my lack of sleep in the past 24 hours. I had big plans to spend the entire rest of the morning and afternoon out and about, only to fall asleep for a solid four hours.

Dad and I are staying in a Marriott in Grosvenor Square, which is in the West End of London. The hotel is pretty swanky and I even got to enjoy afternoon tea before I headed out for my adventure. DSC_0006

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