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London Travel

Queen for a Day

May 28, 2014

Yesterday marked by first day at Sotheby’s!! I arrived to Bloomsbury slightly before 9:30 and made myself comfortable in our primary meeting room. We were welcomed to the Institute by the Deputy Director, Jonathon Woolfson, and were given a tour of the premises. Seminars throughout the day included ‘Introduction to the Art Market,’ ‘Introduction to the Auction Process’ and ‘Introduction to Buying Art.’ My favorite seminar of the day was definitely the one about how Sotheby’s runs a typical auction; I never realized how much work has to go into planning an auction that may only last a few hours! One of my professors, Angus Haldane, is an art dealer so it was also interesting getting to hear his perspective as an integral part of this ever-changing art market. Although I was beyond exhausted after my first day, I had such a fun time meeting people from all over the world and getting a peek into the world of fine art.


“First day at Sotheby’s! #100happydays 20/100 at Sotheby’s Institute of Art

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London Travel

59 Dresses (and a tiara)

May 27, 2014

Yesterday morning I got up bright and early in the hopes that I would be able to beat all of the bank holiday crowds at the museums. I did the mile walk down Cromwell Road to get to one of my favorite museums in London—the Victoria & Albert Museum, or V&A as it’s also known.


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London Travel

The City from St. Paul’s

May 24, 2014

Dad and I passed on eating breakfast this morning and instead made our way over to the Marble Arch tube station. I somehow managed to lose my Oyster card from last fall, so I had to buy a new one and dad got a 1-day pass. This might sound silly but it was really exciting to ride the tube again for the first time in almost five months. I was overwhelmed by the number of people pushing past us but it was so easy getting from station to station and I’m sure that I’ll get used to the underground again in no time.


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London Travel

Lost in Lloyd’s

May 23, 2014

Dad and I had an early breakfast before we headed over to the City of London. A city within London, it constituted most of the early settlement of London from its settlement by the Romans to the Middle Ages. Nowadays, this square-mile area serves as the home for the financial district of London. We met up with co-workers of my father and I got to sit in on a meeting with Zurich Insurance. I even got my own identification pass to be in the building!


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London Travel

Carpe diem (…or take a 4 hour nap)

May 22, 2014

When I landed in London this morning, I could feel that these two coming months would be a huge growing experience for me. Living by yourself in a foreign city is a bit scary but I could already imagine myself strutting up and down the streets of London with the ease of someone who lived in the city all of their lives. This fantasy took a bit of a bruising when I walked straight into a glass door while trying to enter my hotel but we’ll just blame that on my lack of sleep in the past 24 hours. I had big plans to spend the entire rest of the morning and afternoon out and about, only to fall asleep for a solid four hours.

Dad and I are staying in a Marriott in Grosvenor Square, which is in the West End of London. The hotel is pretty swanky and I even got to enjoy afternoon tea before I headed out for my adventure. DSC_0006

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