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College Food Travel

Walking down Walnut Street

November 12, 2014

While we were up in Pittsburgh this past weekend, I decided to check one of my mom’s old haunts for myself–Walnut Street. Located in the Shadyside neighborhood, Walnut Street actually reminds me a lot of King Street in Charleston what with the abundant number of stores and restaurants lining the road.


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College Food Restaurants

Breakfast of Course (of course, of course!)

October 23, 2014

Brownie points to those of y’all who know what show I referenced in the title of this post!

On Sunday morning, I met up with my dad and grandparents bright and early to to grab breakfast at Mary’s Gourmet Diner (formerly known and still widely referred to as Breakfast of Course) before everyone headed home. Breakfast of Course is massively popular and people start lining up outside before the restaurant is even open to get a table. While I am usually not a huge fan of waiting in lines, the food at Breakfast of Course is just that good that I was willing to drag my family out into the cold to stand in line for half an hour. I feel like I wouldn’t feel this passionately about the matter if my friends would actually wake up early enough to go with me, but sadly I usually have to wait until my parents come to visit.

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College Food Restaurants

Southern Comfort Food

October 21, 2014

This past weekend my dad and grandparents came to visit me for the Wake Forest-Syracuse football game. My dad flew into North Carolina the night before my grandparents arrived and so we decided to grab dinner at a local restaurant relatively close to campus,  Milner’s. As described by the chef himself as “refined southern cuisine,” Milner’s menu most definitely lives up to its promise. The food is four star, with options ranging from trout to risotto and oysters to hanger steak, with a flair of southern charm that reminds you of a home cooked meal without any of the effort on your part. I’ve only been to Milner’s once about two years ago but the dining experience was just as wonderful as I had remembered.

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