Life is a Journey

Life is a Journey: My Top 5 Moments from this Week

December 14, 2014

Sorry that I haven’t been as active this week, exams really got the best of me! But now I’m back at home for the next month and I don’t have to worry about school or tests or anything other than how I’m going to spend my day (which has so far consisted of me sleeping in far too late). So, without further ado, here are my top five moments from hell finals week!

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My Top 5 Moments:

1. Although there has yet to be any snowfall, campus has been looking more and more festive for the holidays. I absolutely love Christmas decorations (and Christmas music!), so all of the festive wreaths and evergreen trees around campus have really been the icing on the cake. So beautiful!


2. This past semester I’ve truly become the queen of late nights in the library. I used to avoid the ZSR at all costs but ever since coming back from abroad it seems to be the only place that I can get any studying done. Luckily for me, my best friend at Wake is also a fan of the library post-midnight so I always have a friend to study with.

3. Finals are over! I took my last exam on Thursday and it was such a relief to turn it in knowing that I’m done with the fall semester. It’s crazy to think that I only have one more semester to go before I graduate!

4. My first night back at home was a major cuddle fest… with my cat. He and I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning watching Snow White and the Huntsman, which I’ve been wanting to see for a few years now. The film was much better than I anticipated although the back story of the Evil Queen kind of confused me and required some googling on my part.


5. After the chilly weather we’ve been experiencing in Winston-Salem lately, coming back down south where the temperatures are in the high 60s has been fantastic! I even got to sit out in my bathing suit and read by our pool yesterday afternoon.


What were the best parts of y’all’s week?

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